Students must begin career and college preparation during high school to prepare for the needs of today’s global workforce and to find a passion that inspires each of them. Today’s employers demand a new set of skills from graduates entering a dynamic, competitive marketplace. A pathway model exposes students to jobs that will match their skills and areas of interest and empowers them to emerge as future leaders and problem-solvers through project-based learning activities in the core curriculum and in their elective choices.
What are Personal Pathways?
The Personal Pathways Program is a focused framework linking curricular choices with career and college readiness and are also referred to as career academies. Career academies have been widely adopted in the United States for over 40 years. The aims of this structure are to blend disciplines and academic rigor with a curriculum spanning college-readiness and workplace knowledge and to engage students with relevant experiences in chosen careers or industries.
Jefferson-Morgan Personal Pathways
Pathway for Innovative Arts & Communications
Pathway for Health & Human Services
Pathway for Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Pathway for JROTC’s program at Albert Gallatin High School*
Pathway for a Greene County Career and Technology Center**
Benefits of Jefferson-Morgan Personal Pathways Program
Students will gain exposure to many different fields and can personalize their educational journey with elective choices and relevant experiences a long side leaders in their area of interest. They will also develop soft skills and will learn about the job market in their potential career path. By extending school/business/community partnerships, our students will also be provided more opportunities to apply knowledge and skills in real-world situations through project-based learning activities in the classroom and through experiences outside of the classroom.
Personal Pathways Framework
Students can apply for a specific pathway after their 9th grade year and after participating in an overview day of exposure to Pathway opportunities. Participation is voluntary.
When a student meets the requirements of their chosen pathway, he or she will be awarded certification upon graduation and will wear an honor cord for completing a pathway.
Students can switch from one pathway to another only if there is time to earn enough credits in the newly chosen pathway and will benefit a student in his or her future endeavors.
Students can only participate in one pathway at a time, but are often afforded an opportunity to participate in positive, collaborative opportunities and offered to all Pathway students.