Jefferson-Morgan Middle/High School

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Flexible Instruction Day Info » Flexible Instruction Day Info

Flexible Instruction Day Info




The PA Department of Education (PDE) has approved the District's application to use up to five Flexible Instructional Days per year for the Jefferson-Morgan School District. A FID is used in place of a school day that has been canceled due to inclement weather or other emergency situations. On a FID, students will complete learning activities and assignments provided by their teachers at home on the day that otherwise would have been canceled. Students will receive learning activities and assignments for each subject that would have originally taken place during a regular school day. The FIDS day will not be made up like a traditional cancellation day.

When a Flexible Instructional Day is called, teachers are expected to have their lesson for the day posted/provided by 10:00am on Google Classroom for Middle and High School Students. Teachers are then to be readily available from 10:00am-2:00pm through their email, and Google Classroom to answer any and all questions students or parents may have. After assignments are completed, teachers are to grade the assignment and place a grade in their MMS gradebook.

Any assignments made on the Flexible Instructional Day will be due within five school days. (This is to accommodate families with multiple children and Internet connection capabilities.)   Flexible Instructional Days count as a regular school day for students. Again, this means that attendance and assignment requirements must be met.


Please see the attached “Frequently Asked Questions” information for parents and students.



All Assignments will be completed through Google Classroom, using each student's assigned JMSD Google Account.



Google Classroom